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Ford Transit Custom - Upper Grill (DRL Grill)

  • Ford Transit Custom - Upper Grill (DRL Grill)
  • Ford Transit Custom - Upper Grill (DRL Grill)

Ford Transit Custom - Upper Grill (DRL Grill)

Product Name Price Qty
Black Finish
Model: ZFR66113B
SKU: 5060468071665
Silver Finish
Model: ZFR66113
SKU: 5060468071603
Delivery prices vary by location
Final purchase price includes all taxes and duties paid for the USA and Canada

Zunsport compatible with Ford Transit Custom - Upper Grill (DRL Grill) (2013 -)

The has been specially designed and developed for your Ford Transit Custom - Upper Grill (DRL Grill) .

In addition to being simple to fit, the Zunsport grill sets you see here are made utilising extensive specialist experience and industry knowledge, as well as the highest quality materials.

Quality stainless steel woven wire mesh delivers an unbeatable finish that works with the original design of your vehicle to provide a seamless result, ensuring the heat exchangers within are safeguarded against the hazards commonly found on our roads.

It must be noted that this grill is comprised of the stainless steel grill and the means of fixing it to your vehicle,It does not include any replacement body parts.

Fitting Specification
Model Year 2013 -
Fitting Time 60 minutes
Ease of Fit 3
Tools Needed Screwdriver

Representations of the marque emblems of other manufacturers are used throughout this site to aid customers’’ navigation and identification of Zunsport grill applicability. Their use is not intended to imply any approval, endorsement, or authentification of the Zunsport products by those manufacturers.