How To Take Care Of Your Car During Lockdown?
By Zunsport - 3rd May, 2024

If you’re a car owner, you may be neglecting your car a little at the moment. After all, with only absolutely essential trips on the agenda, it has probably been spending a considerable amount of time on your driveway or in a garage.
Whilst it is important to limit your car use as much as possible at this time, it is also important to look after your vehicle to ensure you are able to get behind the wheel as smoothly as possible after lockdown ends. Cars often deteriorate when left to stand still for long periods of time, but you can mitigate any negative effects with the following tips and tricks:
1. Leave It In A Garage If You Are Able
Leaving a car in a garage will minimise its exposure to dirt, moss, bird faeces and, most importantly, rust. These kinds of substances can seriously damage the paintwork of a car, as well as the viability of parts such as door handles. If you do not have a garage available, then you should remember to clean your car every few weeks and invest in a car cover to protect it from the elements.
2. Look After The Brakes And Tyres
Ideally, your car should be left on a level surface with the handbrake off. Although this may sound a little odd, it will prevent the handbrake from seizing up. To stop the car from rolling away, therefore, you should invest in a solid pair of wheel chocks or a set of axle stands. By opting for axle stands, your tyres will also reap the benefits and will be less likely to develop flat spots.
3. Keep Your Battery Charged Up And Running
Car batteries are often the first parts to act up when a vehicle has not been driven for a while. This is because they gradually discharge when they are left to sit still. To avoid having to buy a totally new battery when lockdown ends, therefore, it is a good idea to preserve it by keeping it relatively well charged.
One way to do this is to use your car when you do your regular shopping trip, as long as it is a few miles away. If your supermarket is within walking distance, however, then another simple solution is to invest in something called a trickle charger. This will charge your battery up whenever energy conserves are running low.
4. Remember That Fuel Can Expire
Fuel has a use-by date and can lose its efficacy if you are not careful. A good way to prevent deterioration is to purchase some fuel stabiliser. This will keep it fresh for up to a year.
Keep Going
Just because we’re locked down and can’t really go much of anywhere, it doesn’t mean we have to neglect our cars! Enjoy the time you’ve got on your hands now to give your car some extra attention and get it ready for your first drive as soon as lockdown lifts.
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